Hi! I have a Christian blog called Today's Housewife. We are always looking for guest writers, so I was wondering if you might be interested in writing for us next month (or in the future) in any of our channels--Family, Faith, Food, Hobby or Home. There is a little more information on our blog about writing: http://www.todayshousewife.net/p/our-writing-team.html. You can write just one guest post for us, multiple guest posts or even join our writing team. We are a group of about 15 women who write on different "channels" about different topics each week. I usually do Hobbies on Tuesdays (along with another writer who posts once a month). Then Mondays we have writers about Home, Wednesdays are for Family, Thursdays are for Food and Fridays for Faith. Some writers only write once a month and some write two or three times--just depends on how many writers there are for their channel--but only one post a day. We write about whatever we want to write about that day that fits into our channel. There aren't assigned topics each week. We had 12,720 pageviews last month. It shows we have 216 followers. I hope that you're interested! If so, let me know when you'd like to write and I'll add you to the calendar. Then you can just e-mail me your post along with whatever pics and a small bio. Thanks for considering! Kama
Hi! I have a Christian blog called Today's Housewife. We are always looking for guest writers, so I was wondering if you might be interested in writing for us next month (or in the future) in any of our channels--Family, Faith, Food, Hobby or Home. There is a little more information on our blog about writing: http://www.todayshousewife.net/p/our-writing-team.html. You can write just one guest post for us, multiple guest posts or even join our writing team. We are a group of about 15 women who write on different "channels" about different topics each week. I usually do Hobbies on Tuesdays (along with another writer who posts once a month). Then Mondays we have writers about Home, Wednesdays are for Family, Thursdays are for Food and Fridays for Faith. Some writers only write once a month and some write two or three times--just depends on how many writers there are for their channel--but only one post a day. We write about whatever we want to write about that day that fits into our channel. There aren't assigned topics each week. We had 12,720 pageviews last month. It shows we have 216 followers. I hope that you're interested! If so, let me know when you'd like to write and I'll add you to the calendar. Then you can just e-mail me your post along with whatever pics and a small bio. Thanks for considering!